Warning Signs: You need a new job or career
Are you having a tough time at work? Do you simply not want to be there anymore? Thinking about quitting, but not sure if you should? It might be time to consider whether it's time to move on.
Sometimes, we wait too long to recognize that a job situation is not a good fit, but waiting can have negative consequences. It can be easier to stay, especially when you get along well with your colleagues but aren't thrilled with the job. However, sometimes it's a good idea to make the difficult decision that you need a change.
Of course, most people can't afford to leave a bad job at the drop of a hat, but delaying too long can be detrimental to yourself and to others.
Are You Waiting Too Long To Move On?
Waiting too long to find a new job can cause serious stress, resulting in depression, relationship problems, and residual anger. If you don't appropriately plan your resignation, you may find yourself at your wit's end one day and end up quitting on the spot, which will ruin your chances to maintain a positive relationship with your past employer. Or worse, you could end up getting fired because you're not productive.
You can prevent these possibilities by recognizing some of the signs that your job is unsustainable, before the situation reaches a crisis status. Here are the top 10 signs that you might need a new job.
1. You are already thinking about finding a new job. Barring the occasional, bad-day-induced, "I need a new job, now!," if you've already been mulling over the thought of leaving your job, chances are, that rumination is happening for a good reason. If your dislike for your job, your co-workers or your boss is constantly on your mind, you should take that as a sign that it's time to start job searching.
2. You find yourself frequently fantasizing about retirement. Do you spend all day dreaming about retirement, calculating the years, months, and days until the time comes? Don't spend your professional life in count-down mode, and instead take that feeling and use it as motivation to find a position that is satisfying and emotionally fulfilling.
3. Your conversations with your spouse and friends become dominated by complaints and laments about your work day. If every dinner conversation starts and ends with a negative commentary about your day at work, it might be time to find a job that will incite not complaints but instead productive discussion about your professional challenges, lessons learned, and the day's highlights.
4. Your sleep patterns have been disrupted. You have difficulty getting to sleep, or you wake with worries about your job. Sleep is very important to your health, and job-induced stress can be a cause of poor sleep. Unfortunately, this can exacerbate a difficult situation, making a bad job seem even worse.
5. You have developed headaches, eye twitches, frequent colds, or other physical symptoms of stress. Your physical health can sometimes be an indicator of your mental health, and if you're feeling generally sick or have a sense of enduring malaise, your job might be to blame.
6. You have increased your consumption of alcohol or drugs to escape your problems. While it's okay to relax with a glass of wine after work, your day shouldn't be driving you to down a bottle or pour glass after glass of vodka tonic. If you find that your work is causing your copious consumption of alcohol, drugs or cigarettes, you should take some time to reflect on your professional situation.
7. Your appetite is suppressed or you are binging more than usual. Some people turn to food in the same way they do to drugs and alcohol, but stress can also cause you to lose your appetite overall.
8. You dread Mondays or you have trouble waking up for work in the morning. It's normal to be tired in the morning, but you shouldn't feel a pit-inducing dread or thought-consuming anxiety when it's time to work.
9. You are less productive at work, lack passion and are bored more often. If you're checking Facebook every ten minutes, constantly find yourself on YouTube, or bored with every task, you might need to look for a more mentally stimulating job.
10. You are arguing more often with co-workers or bosses and don't feel you have control over your work. If your dissatisfaction with your job is causing tension in the office, it's definitely time to start looking for a new position. It's better to leave a job on good terms so you can keep your past employer as a source for recommendations and as a network connection.
Of course, these signs can be indicators of other personal, emotion or physical problems, but if you are experiencing several of these symptoms then you certainly need to reevaluate your employment situation.
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