How to Create Positive Energy at Work to Improve Business Productivity
Surviving day to day in business or the workplace can be a challenge and sometimes a struggle. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to achieve your dreams, goals and to stop attracting negative people. You see the big picture, and the light at the end of the tunnel of building a future that is both comfortable and more importantly, less stressful. The thought of enjoyment, frequent holidays and basically, having time to enjoy yourself is why you do what you do in order to improve your lifestyle.
It’s no surprise and quite natural that some of us can feel resentful or envious of those that seem to have it all, money and time. Some may have money, but do they really have the time to spend in leisure. It seems that the more money and success your business or career accumulates, the more you fall further into the grind of your work life.
Unfortunately, this is reality for many of us and there may be times when you look back to the days when you started your business or got that perfect job. The excitement and positive energy you felt could have made you move mountains and achieve anything. You had the energy to give it your best shot.
Slowly, as the months and years go by, that excitement and more importantly, the energy that you once had depletes and it does so because you don’t have the time to rejuvenate your mind and body. In other words, recharge your batteries!
The best and most effective way to breathe new life into your business is to get plenty of rest at the times when you are meant to rest. For example, going to bed at a reasonable time and not wasting that precious time in watching TV, socialising or even completing some house or work related tasks. Sleep is extremely important. We all know that we require a good 8 hours sleep, however, some can make do with much less and others seem to need more. If, on the other hand, you go to bed really late and wake up really late in the morning yet still manage to get your 8 hours of sleep, you will still find that you haven’t had enough rest. So, getting to bed the same day you wake up will give you the good night’s sleep that you so require to jumpstart your optimum energy levels and thus, ignite your business spark.
The other important aspect which is often overlooked, is to get some form of exercise. It has been known that doing physical exercise for 30 to 60 mins every day will not only keep you slim :), but also in an uplifted and refreshed frame of mind. Exercise is the best medicine for depression and lack of energy and productivity. A good level of energy does improve business productivity, helps you better focus on tasks and builds up your confidence in business and in life.
You may be thinking that’s well and good and heard it a thousand times, yet why is it that you just can’t seem to find the time to exercise? To put it another way, wouldn’t it be advantageous to you and your business if every morning you walked into your office with an abundance of energy, focused with a great spring in your stride? After all you are running a business, you have schedules and deadlines to keep, phone calls to make and all this requires a good allowance of business energy.
The truth is, the hardest part of exercise is getting started. Set a time during your less productive time in the day and really start doing something even if it’s for 20 – 30 mins. Like taking a walk around the neighbourhood or attending a local gym for a short session. I can guarantee that day will be a productive day for you. You will suddenly feel more energised and most of all, proud of yourself for doing something good for your well-being.
The next day, do the same and keep going until you can plan a schedule that suits you. Like 3 days a week of 1 hour sessions as opposed to everyday for 30 mins. Don’t get too bogged down with which is the best way to exercise and so forth, just do it. Just do what you are comfortable with. Over time your energy levels will shoot through the ‘roof’ and so will your productivity in business. It will enhance not only your physical, but also your mental state of mind whilst engaging in daily business tasks.
What most people don’t seem to take into consideration when exercising is how good it is for our mind’s health. Yoga and meditation are excellent choices for de-stressing the working mind, but any form of exercise will benefit your mental and physical health, and of course, your business lifestyle.
Good mental health is very important in distribution of positive energy within yourself, family life and business life. You spend a lot of your time at work, therefore, being able to channel this abundance of energy through exercise can mean that the time you ‘lose’ in doing exercise can be gained in being more pro-active in business within a shorter period of time. In essence, you don’t need to make time for exercise instead, you will gain that time back by being able to do a lot more in your business day than you would have been able to do in a week without any exercise.
The reason for this is when you exercise instead of feeling more tired, you actually become less tired, less stressed and frustrated, happier in your life and work, look healthy and it also gears your mind in becoming more creative. Creativity is what you need in coming up with fresh ideas and innovating, or seeing things through a different perspective when working on business projects. This is what you require to be able to motivate yourself as you are allowing yourself to generate positive energy which you can then channel through every aspect of your business, from preserving good client and employee relationships to the speed in which you can complete a task.
Thus, in order for you to be successful in your business or career, you need to look after yourself first to then be able to achieve your goals and eliminate the feeling of humdrum in your business life.
Author - Shameer Shah
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